Insights from a survey of former Western Governors University students

Youngki Hong, PhD, senior research scientist, WGU Labs

Kymberly Lavigne-Hinkley, director, Learning and Employment Record Ecosystem, WGU

Kacey Thorne, senior director, Academic Strategic Initiatives, WGU


In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the significant population of individuals who have some college education but no degree. According to national statistics, nearly 37 million adults in the United States have enrolled in college but left without completing their degree. This “some college, no degree” population represents untapped potential in the workforce and presents a significant challenge for higher education institutions and policymakers aiming to boost educational attainment and close the skills gap.

Previous research has identified several key barriers faced by these individuals, including the challenge of balancing school with work, financial pressures, and inadequate academic and career advising. Additionally, the motivations and circumstances surrounding the decision to stop out are diverse and complex, requiring nuanced and targeted interventions to effectively support students’ needs if they are to re-engage with higher education. 

Studies also suggest that non-completers can still achieve significant success in the workforce. For instance, research on community college non-completers reveals that many students enroll not to earn a degree, but to acquire specific skills that can improve their employment prospects. These “skills builders” often experience significant financial gains without completing a credential. For example, students who earned as few as six credits in fields like public and protective services or engineering and industrial technologies reported significant increases in annual earnings despite not having a degree.

Furthermore, research indicates that attending some college, even without graduating, can boost employment by approximately 20 percentage points and increase earnings by 6% over 15 years. This effect is particularly pronounced among historically underrepresented groups, highlighting the value of even a partial college education in improving prospects in some fields and in financial outcomes.

Despite the positive impact that having some college education may have on career outcomes, non-completers face several impediments to overall success, such as student debt, lower financial well-being, and less job satisfaction, especially compared to degree earners. These challenges emphasize the need for targeted support and flexible educational pathways to help them fully capitalize on their educational investments and improve their career outcomes.

Building on these insights, WGU Labs, in partnership with WGU’s Academic Portfolio Department and Gallup, surveyed former Western Governors University (WGU) students who left the university without completing their degrees. The survey sought to understand their current employment status, the challenges they face in the job market, and their interest in various supports and tools offered by WGU, including non-degree credentials. By gaining a deeper understanding of their career outcomes and support needs, we aim to develop effective strategies and interventions to support these individuals — approaches that may have implications for other universities.

In this survey, we asked: 

  • What are the career and employment outcomes of non-completers? What are the challenges they face in the job market?
  • What tools and support can higher education institutions provide to non-completers to help them advance in their careers?
  • What is the perception of non-degree credentials among non-completers?

Survey respondents’ characteristics:

  • 1,713 former WGU students who left without a degree between 2018-2023
  • Average age: 33.7 years
  • Gender: 57% female, 43% male
  • Race/Ethnicity: 59% White, 13% Hispanic, 12% Black, 12% Other, 3% Asian
  • Average household income: $60,000
  • Program enrollment: 39% Business, 26% Technology, 20% Education, 16% Health

Note: Overall, survey respondents' demographics closely resemble the current WGU student body.

Executive summary of the survey key findings:

Finding 1: Non-completers exhibit low levels of work engagement and face several challenges in the job market.

  • Non-completers reported being 20% less satisfied with their jobs and 17% less engaged with their careers compared to alumni. 
  • 24% of non-completers felt overqualified for their current jobs, and 52% cite the lack of a required degree as a top barrier to finding an ideal job.  

Finding 2: Higher education institutions can provide tools and services to support non-completers’ career needs.

  • 73% of non-completers use Indeed in their job search, with only 3% using university-provided tools like Handshake.
  • Non-completers expressed a desire for additional features in an online job search tool, such as help identifying jobs that align with their skills and interests (43%), networking opportunities with employers (43%), and assistance with identifying employers with relevant opportunities on those platforms (40%).
  • Non-completers expressed great interest in using the services from their former higher education institution, WGU, including resume review services (53%), career pathway guidance services (47%), and digital wallet services (36%).

Finding 3: Non-degree credentials may present additional pathways for gaining skills and offer near-term incentives for non-completers to return to higher education.

  • 53% of non-completers had already earned one or more non-degree credentials (such as badges, industry certifications, certificates, or licenses). Additionally, 80% reported being at least somewhat familiar with non-degree credentials, and only 14% did not believe that employers would value them in the hiring process.
  • Although 36% expressed interest in pursuing non-degree credentials using the coursework they completed at their higher education institution, and 85% were willing to put in at least some effort to earn them, 59% cited the cost of credential programs as the main reason they would not pursue one.

Together, our findings suggest that non-completers face significant barriers in the job market due to the lack of a degree, and higher education institutions could better support them with enhanced job search tools, career support, and affordable non-degree credentials.

Finding 1: Non-completers exhibit low levels of work engagement and face several challenges in the job market.

Individuals who attended college but did not earn a degree often face a unique set of challenges in the job market. These include difficulty finding jobs that match their skills and education level, as employers often use degree attainment as a screening criterion. This can leave those without a degree at a disadvantage despite having some college education, including lower annual income and higher poverty rates compared to degree holders.

Reflecting these challenges, 56% of our survey respondents reported being satisfied with their jobs, compared to 76% of WGU alumni. Similarly, 61% of non-completers agreed with the statement, “At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day,” compared to 78% of alumni. Notably, 24% of respondents felt overqualified for their primary jobs, suggesting that lower career satisfaction and engagement may stem, in part, from feeling unfulfilled in their roles.

To probe deeper into their job satisfaction and engagement, we asked them to indicate the most important factors when deciding which jobs to pursue. Each respondent could select up to three of eight options. The results revealed that pay was the most important factor, with 80% of our respondents indicating it as one of their three answers. This was followed by control over hours and/or location (62%), employee benefits (40%), job security (32%), having a sense of purpose (28%), career advancement opportunities (23%), the health and safety of the work environment (8%), and having the power to change things about their job that they were dissatisfied with (7%).

These findings illustrate the precarity of this population’s existence, highlighting how immediate financial needs take precedence over longer-term considerations like advancement, safety, or empowerment. This insight is particularly relevant to WGU Labs’ investigation of the Rising Talent population — the millions of U.S. workers without degrees stuck in low-wage jobs with little opportunity for advancement — as it calls attention to the urgent priorities of this group and the potential impact of targeted support.

Furthermore, when asked to indicate the top three barriers preventing them from getting a job they are completely satisfied with the most common response among our respondents was the lack of a required degree or credential (52%). This was followed by family obligations (31%), lack of relevant job opportunities (23%), limited work experience (22%), inability to fully demonstrate their skills and capabilities to employers (21%), lack of networking opportunities (19%), lack of mentorship or advice (13%), physical or mental health problems (12%), and discrimination or bias in the hiring process (7%). Mirroring these findings, only 39% of respondents felt they had the level of education and/or training needed for the type of job they would like to have in the next 5 years.

Overall, non-completers face significant challenges in their careers, including lower job satisfaction and engagement. They struggle to find fulfilling jobs due to barriers such as the lack of a required degree and limited job opportunities, highlighting the need for targeted support to improve their career outcomes.

Finding 2: Higher education institutions can provide tools and services to support non-completers’ career needs.

To better understand how these challenges affect non-completers in their careers, we also assessed their job search behaviors. First, we asked them to indicate the top three tools or techniques they use to search for jobs. The results showed that job search websites (e.g., Indeed, ZipRecruiter) are the most commonly used tool (57%). This was followed by company websites (36%), professional networking websites (33%), social networks, including friends and colleagues (27%), online forums or job listings specific to their industry (23%), job fairs, career events, or networking events (10%), headhunter or recruiting agency (8%), social media (8%), local employment centers (7%), gaining experience through an internship or volunteering (4%), college or university-sponsored job platforms (e.g., Handshake) or job boards (4%), cold calling or communicating with employees at a company (3%), and local newspapers (3%).

Among online tools, Indeed was the most commonly used platform by our respondents (73%), followed by LinkedIn (48%), Google (19%), Glassdoor (18%), ZipRecruiter (16%), USA Jobs (9%), CareerBuilder (6%), Monster (5%), Handshake (3%), and SimplyHired (2%).

Notably, Indeed is primarily geared toward lower-wage jobs rather than long-term career planning, suggesting that many non-completers are focused on immediate financial needs rather than strategic career advancement. This aligns with previous findings that students often do not engage with career services or begin planning their career trajectories until after completing their programs. 

For example, only 3% of respondents reported using Handshake, a university-sponsored job search tool. These results suggest that non-completers often feel lost in their career journeys, lacking direction or a clear understanding of how their skills and experiences translate into long-term career pathways. Instead, they appear to pursue roles that prioritize immediate pay over broader goals or long-term advancement.

We then asked what features they would most like to see in online job search tools and platforms. The most desired feature was the ability for the platform to review their resume and accurately identify skills gained from education, work, and life experiences (53%). This was followed by a recommendation of career pathways based on their resume or credentials (47%) and storing their education and career information in a single place, including credentials from other sources (36%), mapping their current skills to available jobs (36%), visually displaying skills they are missing for different jobs (31%), and guidance on how to advance their career journey (29%). These findings highlight a strong desire for personalized career guidance and tools to help them make sense of their experiences and align their capabilities with their goals.

With these needs in mind, we asked which services or resources they would be most interested in if offered free of charge. Top interests among respondents were connecting with employers (43%) and receiving help identifying jobs that align with their interests and skills (43%). These were followed by assistance in identifying employers with relevant opportunities (40%), assistance updating or tailoring their resume (36%), assistance in preparing for interviews and other assessments (23%), access to a mentor to advance their career (23%), advice on building a professional portfolio (22%), assistance with writing a cover letter (15%), assistance using job search or networking tools like LinkedIn and Handshake (10%), and access to an alumni network (9%).

Overall, the findings indicate that non-completers rely heavily on online job search tools but lack the direction and support to fully leverage their skills for meaningful career pathways. Higher education institutions, particularly those catering to working adults, have an opportunity to bridge this gap. By offering tailored services such as resume reviews, career pathway recommendations, and connections with employers, institutions can play a vital role in helping non-completers make sense of their experiences, clarify their career goals, and achieve long-term success.

Finding 3: Non-degree credentials may present additional pathways for gaining skills and offer near-term incentives for non-completers to return to higher education.

Given that lack of credentials is a key barrier to employment for non-completers, one potential support that universities can provide is to offer non-degree credentials for the courses their former students have completed. Research suggests that aligning high-value, quality non-degree credentials with credit pathways can lead to family-sustaining jobs. Furthermore, non-degree credentials are increasingly valued by employers when they align with specific industry needs. However, while these credentials can lead to positive economic returns for learners, there is a need for improved data systems to measure their impact.

Among the non-completers in our survey, 53% reported completing at least one non-degree credential, such as badges, industry certifications, certificates, or licenses, and an even greater number, 65%, have enrolled in a program. Additionally, a high number of respondents (80%) demonstrated familiarity with non-degree credentials: 22% were very familiar, 29% were familiar, 29% were somewhat familiar, and 20% were not at all familiar. However, only 33% agreed that employers value non-degree credentials in the hiring process, while 54% said they were neutral or did not know, and 14% disagreed. 

We also explored respondents’ interest in opportunities for their WGU coursework to count toward a non-degree credential, and found that 36% were interested, 45% were neutral, and 18% were not interested. Additionally, when asked how much effort they would be willing to dedicate toward earning a non-degree credential based on their WGU coursework, 20% said a great deal, 35% said a moderate amount, 30% said a little, and 15% said none — indicating that the vast majority (85%) are willing to put in some level of effort to re-engage with WGU to turn their previously completed courses into a credential, highlighting openness to leveraging past work for tangible benefits. 

Next, we asked respondents who have either enrolled in a program to earn or have earned non-degree credentials (65%) about their top reasons for pursuing a non-degree credential. The most common reason was to become a more competitive job candidate (32%), followed by the desire for a higher-paying job (31%), they are an affordable option for further education (27%), to pursue a more fulfilling career (25%), the ability to work while completing the program (24%), their employer helped them pay for the credential (23%), for personal achievement (22%), securing a salary increase or promotion in their current job (21%), and the convenience of program location (9%).

Lastly, we asked about the top reasons for not currently being enrolled in either a degree or non-degree program. The majority of respondents cited the cost of the degree/credential program as the primary barrier (59%). This was followed by work conflicts/need to work (40%), personal mental health reasons (22%), not needing a degree or credential for their job/career (21%), childcare or caregiving responsibilities (19%), emotional stress (19%), the time required to complete a degree or certificate (12%), not seeing value in further education (9%), lack of interest in further education (8%), personal physical health reasons (7%), lack of remote learning options/requirements for in-person classes (6%), doubt about being accepted to their preferred school (3%), a favorable job market (2%), a degree or credential not aligning with their personal beliefs, values, or cultural preferences (2%), and feeling unprepared by prior education (1%).

Overall, the findings suggest that while non-degree credentials are widely understood and have high rates of awareness, students are still wary of their value in the marketplace, making it difficult for them to determine the ROI of enrolling in non-degree credentials programs, such as offering a path to improved job competitiveness and higher-paying positions. Many non-completers are familiar with and interested in these credentials, and they show a willingness to invest effort in earning them. However, the cost of programs and work conflicts remain significant barriers. Higher education institutions can support non-completers by aligning non-degree credentials with industry needs, offering affordable options, providing flexible and remote education opportunities, and creating clear pathways from completed coursework to credential attainment.


This survey sheds light on the challenges and opportunities faced by college non-completers in the job market, highlighting areas where higher education institutions and policymakers can more effectively support this group.

First, non-completers often experience lower job satisfaction and engagement compared to graduates. Many feel overqualified for their current roles, but they encounter barriers, such as the lack of required degrees, indicating a mismatch between their skills and available job opportunities, largely due to employers' emphasis on formal credentials. Addressing these issues is important to helping non-completers access better job opportunities and improve their economic situations.

How Higher Education Institutions Can Help

Identify Transferable Skills

A key challenge is helping individuals identify their skills and understand how transferable skills are core to many occupations and job opportunities. To address this, WGU has been working closely with technology provider iQ4 to develop an AI solution that uses openly available data repositories, including Credential Engine’s Credential Registry and the National Labor Exchange via Career One Stop. Additionally, WGU leverages the Achievement Wallet as a platform for skills identification, occupational alignment, career exploration, and storage and sharing of self-asserted and verifiable digital credentials. Over 9,500 WGU students are currently registered in the wallet through the process of beta testing, and over 2,500 students have provided direct feedback that has shaped the design and development of the wallet. Through the three beta tests, we found that 78% of students agree that seeing the gaps between existing and missing skills clarified how they qualify for a job.

Better Job Search Support

Second, non-completers expressed a desire for better job search support, including personalized career guidance and connections with employers. Higher education institutions can play a key role in providing these services, such as resume reviews and career pathway guidance, to help non-completers navigate the job market more effectively. Additionally, providing real-time insights into the skills an individual is developing throughout their learning journey is a critical step for all students, including non-completers, to maximize the immediate value of education to ensure all learning counts.WGU is taking steps to offer course-level verified digital achievements to provide even more transparency and value to students. This effort aims to positively impact non-completers by providing credit for the skills gained and courses completed while enrolled, emphasizing course completion during a lifelong educational journey. Typically, post-secondary achievements take an all-or-nothing approach and do not acknowledge incremental progress toward a degree. Rather than waiting two to four years to gain verification and/or skills achieved during a degree journey, WGU is attempting to offer digitally verified achievements associated with course completion. This will allow current students to see skill progression aligned to occupational interests and incremental progression toward a degree. Students who have taken a pause in their education for various reasons will have verification of what they have completed and can do.

Increase Credential Acceptance

Third, non-degree credentials could offer a viable solution for non-completers seeking to enhance their job prospects. However, to maximize their value to non-completers and employers alike, educational institutions and training providers should collaborate with industry partners to ensure these credentials meet market needs and clearly communicate their benefits to non-completers. Since its inception, WGU’s competency-based model has leveraged critical employer partnerships to inform the academic programs it offers. These partnerships are critical to providing high-value programs that are reflective of the skills individuals need and credentials employers trust. Over the past several years, WGU has doubled down on its efforts to create high-value, skills-denominated credentials, as evidenced by WGU’s Open Skills Library and Unified Credential Framework.

The findings and opportunities suggest several actions for improving long-term outcomes for the non-completer population:

Maximize credential visibility, verification, and value — the three V’s

Enhance the visibility, verification, and value of non-degree credentials and academic achievements for non-completers to address opportunities to gain skills and improve their job prospects.

  • Utilize digital wallets and other Achievement Wallet-like platforms to allow non-completers to record, verify, and share digital credentials for individual skills and completed coursework, recognizing incremental progress. 
  • Prioritize collaboration with industry partners to ensure credentials, programs, and courses reflect the most relevant skills.
  • Leverage personalized career guidance through human support. Career coaches, mentors, or navigators can provide real-time feedback for students on how each course or skill can align with specific occupational goals and market demands, empowering them to better understand their own qualifications.

Empower learners with their own data

Provide non-completers with access and control over a comprehensive record of their educational achievements, enabling them to leverage these data for career advancement.

  • Expand the capabilities of digital wallets or supporting platforms to help students identify and validate transferable skills that can be applied across job roles and sectors. 
  • Integrate real-time insights and visualization into skills development and alignment to occupations, job roles, credit for prior learning, and degree advancement, fostering an ongoing relationship with their education and skill gain opportunities. 

Maintain a relentless commitment to increasing equity and decreasing bias

Ensure all learning achievements are recognized and valued equally, creating a more inclusive credentialing system that supports diverse educational and career pathways. Additionally, institutions should prioritize systems that are interoperable, support open data standards, and leverage publicly available data.

  • Implement course-level digital credentials that recognize non-completers’ skills and courses completed, reinforcing verified skill gain that can be applied to career advancement opportunities or toward a degree program. 
  • Partner with employers to establish equitable hiring practices that focus on skills in addition to educational credentials. 


This report highlights the challenges faced by non-completers in the job market and identifies opportunities for higher education institutions to better support them. Non-completers often face barriers such as lower job satisfaction, limited career advancement opportunities, and fewer job options due to the lack of formal credentials. These obstacles make it difficult for them to fully leverage their skills and experiences to achieve successful career outcomes.

The findings point to several ways institutions like WGU can address these challenges. 

First, non-completers expressed a clear need for better job search support, including tools that help them identify opportunities aligned with their skills and interests. Offering personalized guidance, resume reviews, and connections with employers can help them navigate the job market more effectively. 

Second, non-degree credentials present a promising pathway for non-completers to gain recognition for their skills and completed coursework. However, institutions must address cost concerns and clearly communicate the value of these credentials in the job market. Aligning these programs with industry needs and providing flexible, affordable options will be key to their success. 

Finally, the findings emphasize the importance of recognizing incremental progress. Course-level digital credentials and verified skills provide non-completers with tangible evidence of their achievements, which can be applied toward career advancement or continued education. These efforts can help shift the focus away from an all-or-nothing degree model and create more opportunities for non-completers to engage with their education over time. 

By addressing these areas, higher education institutions can play a pivotal role in helping non-completers achieve better career outcomes, re-engage with learning, and make meaningful progress toward their goals.

This research was funded through a grant to Western Governors University by the Gates Foundation. The findings and conclusions contained within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the Gates Foundation. Special thanks to the teams at WGU Labs and WGU’s Academic Portfolio that contributed to this report.


The survey was conducted by Gallup on behalf of WGU Labs to explore the experiences, attitudes, and beliefs of former WGU students who did not complete their bachelor's degrees. The goal was to better understand their job search processes and current employment situations.

Data Collection

  • Sampling Frame: A list of 59,878 former WGU students was provided by WGU Labs, with 59,726 having a valid email address.
  • Fieldwork Period: February 22, 2024, to April 5, 2024.
  • Survey Administration: The survey was web-based and available only in English. It could be completed on desktop computers, tablets, or mobile devices.
  • Response Rate: Out of 59,878 invited participants, 2,375 completed the survey (1,934 submitted it and received an incentive, and 441 partially completed it).
  • Incentives and Reminders: To improve the response rate, a $10 incentive was introduced on March 4, 2024. Weekly email reminders were sent, and a text-based reminder system was launched on March 26, 2024, to a subset of participants, and expanded on March 27, 2024.


To ensure representative findings, Gallup applied nonresponse adjustment weighting based on age at enrollment, gender, race/ethnicity, college, and household income level. Weights were calculated for both the total 2,375 respondents and the 1,934 who submitted the survey. Out of those who submitted the survey, 1,713 completed the survey. An audit confirmed the proper implementation of the weighting procedure.

Demographics Overview

The final results included a sample of 1,713 former WGU students who left without a degree between 2018 and 2023. Below are the key demographic statistics: