At this year’s Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) conference, WGU Labs had the opportunity to present our research on Rising Talent — the millions of individuals in the U.S. without a degree who are stuck in low-wage, low-resilience jobs.

At WGU Labs, we’ve invested in understanding and supporting Rising Talent because this population faces systemic barriers to upward mobility that include access to skills-building education. By identifying the challenges they face and exploring practical solutions, we strive to find solutions to better serve these learners and others in less dire circumstances who might nonetheless benefit from additional scaffolding or support.

While sharing this research was valuable, what stood out most at AEFP 2025 was how closely the broader conference themes aligned with our findings. Many of the findings presented for improving educational outcomes echoed the changes needed to better support Rising Talent. Here are five key takeaways from the conference that connect to our work on Rising Talent — along with reflections on what’s needed to create meaningful change.

Key takeaways at a glance

  1. Institutional culture: Building institutional culture conducive to the success of Rising Talent
  2. Flexible and intentional support for adult learners: Creating accessible pathways that account for learners’ complex life circumstances
  3. Non-credit programs: Expanding skills-focused pathways that provide quicker returns on investment
  4. Disability accommodations: Encouraging proactive outreach to ensure students with non-apparent disabilities receive the support they need
  5. Communicating higher education’s value: Promoting flexible pathways and emphasizing the practical benefits of postsecondary education

These themes reflect both the challenges Rising Talent face and the strategies that can help them succeed. Below, we dive deeper into the insights from the conference and explore how they connect to our research.

1. Institutional culture can help Rising Talent succeed

Christopher Bjork (Vassar College) presented research on institutions that exceeded expected graduation rates — an important issue for Rising Talent, as many are unlikely to persist in higher education. Through qualitative investigation, his team identified five institutional factors that predicted better-than-expected outcomes:

  • Institutional history: Traditions of serving marginalized communities
  • Goal alignment: Consistent mission and strategy across leadership
  • Voice: Ensuring every person at the institution feels heard
  • Managing setbacks: Responding effectively to institutional challenges
  • Organizational ambidexterity: Adaptability and compromise

Rising Talent are often individuals who struggled in early education or felt disconnected from their learning environments. Institutions that intentionally create supportive cultures — where students feel seen, heard, and empowered — may be particularly effective in improving outcomes for Rising Talent.

For example, Rising Talent who reported having supportive social networks were more likely to persist and achieve upward mobility. Institutions that embrace adaptability, listen to students, and actively support those facing barriers could unlock similar success for this population.

2. Adult learners need flexible and intentional support

Laura Bernhard (California Competes) shared strategies to re-engage the nearly 40 million Some College, No Credential individuals — a population that overlaps heavily with Rising Talent. Her recommendations, including flexible learning options, inclusive marketing, and simplified enrollment processes, align closely with our findings.

Rising Talent often reported complex life circumstances — such as caregiving responsibilities, financial strain, or limited access to technology — that made returning to education particularly challenging. Bernhard’s emphasis on flexible learning models is especially important for these learners. However, flexible programs alone won’t be enough if Rising Talent lack the technology to engage in online learning — a challenge our research found to be widespread.

Bernhard’s findings also reinforced the importance of targeted outreach. Rising Talent often don’t actively seek out further education opportunities — not because they aren’t interested, but because they’ve become discouraged by previous educational experiences. Proactively engaging these learners, particularly through inclusive messaging that highlights support systems for adults, can play a key role in bringing them back to education.

3. Non-credit programs can be a powerful tool for Rising Talent

Michael Cooper (UC Irvine) presented research showing that non-credit programs can be an effective way for students who dropped out to improve their career outcomes. His findings revealed that non-credit program graduates saw a $2,060 increase in earnings and a 5% increase in employment — particularly for those who enrolled soon after leaving traditional programs.

This aligns with our research showing that Rising Talent — many of whom juggle work, family responsibilities, or financial constraints — benefit most from accessible, skills-focused learning pathways. Expanding non-credit programs could be key to supporting this population’s career mobility without requiring a full return to traditional degree pathways.

However, as with flexible learning models, non-credit programs are only useful if Rising Talent have access to the technology required to participate. Expanding non-credit programs alongside efforts to close the technology gap will be vital in reaching those who need them most.

4. Disability accommodations drive better outcomes — but they’re underutilized

Jennifer Freeman (Texas Tech University) presented compelling research on students with non-apparent disabilities, such as ADHD, anxiety, and emotional disorders. Her team found that students who received accommodations — especially earlier in their academic careers — had significantly better completion rates.

However, Freeman’s research also revealed that most students never request accommodations. This insight is important when considering Rising Talent, who may experience anxiety, low self-confidence, or mental health challenges that hinder their ability to persist in education. Ensuring that institutions proactively connect students with accommodations and support services can improve outcomes for this population.

5. Higher education’s value remains strong — but must be communicated clearly

Robert Toutkoushian’s (University of Georgia) presentation reaffirmed that the lifetime return on investment for higher education remains high — approximately $1 million on average. Yet despite this, public perception of higher education’s value has grown more negative.

For Rising Talent — who often face significant financial strain and may feel disconnected from traditional academic settings — institutions must do more to demonstrate the value of education in practical, achievable ways. For example, by promoting flexible pathways, such as short-term credentials, non-credit programs, or career-specific training — alongside traditional degree programs — institutions can better meet the needs of learners who are unsure about investing in higher education.

Looking ahead: Supporting Rising Talent requires new approaches

It was encouraging to see so much research focused on re-engaging learners and creating accessible pathways to success at AEFP 2025. These insights align closely with WGU Labs’ work on Rising Talent — particularly the need to create flexible learning options, remove systemic barriers, and support students facing complex life circumstances.

While not always the focal point of conference conversations, our research suggests that the technology gap is a major obstacle for Rising Talent. Over a quarter of Rising Talent reported no computer use — a barrier that limits their access to online learning, digital skill development, and job opportunities in today’s tech-driven economy.

This gap connects directly to several AEFP takeaways. For instance, non-credit programs — highlighted in Michael Cooper’s (UC Irvine) presentation — provide an accessible, skills-based pathway for career growth. Similarly, strategies like Bernhard’s flexible learning models will only succeed if learners have the tools to engage with those programs. However, these opportunities may remain out of reach unless institutions address Rising Talent’s limited tech access.

As with closing the technology gap, other challenges remain. For example:

  • How can institutions better identify Rising Talent and offer targeted support?
  • How can we better understand the psychological and social factors that influence Rising Talent’s willingness to pursue higher education?

At WGU Labs, we’re committed to exploring these questions and developing solutions that support Rising Talent in achieving their educational and career goals. AEFP 2025 offered powerful insights — now the challenge is turning those insights into action.