As higher education faces a looming demographic cliff, lingering disruptions from the rapid shift to remote learning, and growing skepticism around the value of a college degree, the day-to-day demands on institutional leaders are only intensifying. These challenges are particularly severe at under-resourced institutions, which are ironically the least equipped to handle them. Many administrators are caught in a relentless crisis management cycle, with scant time left to think about, much less resolve, the underlying issues. Moreover, the siloed nature of higher education means that these crises are often tackled in isolation, leading to redundant efforts and inefficient solutions. To effectively navigate these challenges, institutions urgently need the time and space to engage in collaborative problem-solving and deep thinking — affordances philanthropic funding is uniquely positioned to provide. By investing in more intimate and targeted gatherings, philanthropic organizations can empower these institutions to connect, innovate, and address the complex issues challenging higher education today. 

Addressing the Core Issue of Time Scarcity

To truly tackle critical challenges in higher education, we must first confront the issue of time scarcity. Institutions, especially those lacking adequate resources, desperately need time - what behavioral scientists often refer to as “slack” - which provides the necessary buffer to respond creatively and effectively to pervasive problems. While traditional large-scale conferences offer networking opportunities, they often lack the intimacy and interactivity required to foster genuine innovation and collaboration — and that's assuming institutions can afford to send their administrators in the first place. This reality often leads to a scarcity mindset, where leaders may adopt myopic approaches focused only on immediate crises, neglecting more long-term and transformative strategies. 

This reality presents philanthropy with a unique opportunity to make a revolutionary impact. Instead of funding standalone initiatives, philanthropic organizations should invest in smaller, more focused convenings that encourage deep thinking and coordinated problem-solving. By prioritizing the funding of time for intellectual exploration, cross-institutional collaboration, and collective ideation, philanthropy can facilitate a critical shift from short-sighted, isolated responses to broad, strategic thinking. Such gatherings not only provide those closest to the challenges with the slack necessary to think beyond immediate pressures but also foster partnerships that help institutions break away from the scarcity mindset, promoting long-term, collective evolution in an era of educational upheaval. 

Lessons from the College Innovation Network

We witnessed firsthand the power of intimate, collaborative problem-solving through the College Innovation Network (CIN) at WGU Labs. Funded by the Charles Koch Foundation, CIN initially set out to enhance the learning experience through the implementation and evaluation of promising EdTech solutions across diverse, under-resourced institutions. It quickly became clear, however, that CIN’s true value lay in its community-building efforts. Through annual in-person convenings complemented by regular virtual calls, we developed a robust community of practice where like-minded institutions facing similar challenges could collectively problem-solve, exchange best practices, and share everyday solution applications. This community served as a vital tool for ongoing innovation, offering a supportive and accessible network that many institutions lacked due to financial and geographical constraints. With the conclusion of CIN funding and sunset of the network, we reflect on the pivotal role of funders — not only in supporting these ecosystems but also in enabling these critical connections through financial support.


Case Study: Pathways to Opportunity Convening 

The 2023 Pathways to Opportunity convening in New Orleans showcased the profound impact of small-scale, philanthropically funded gatherings. This event brought together diverse stakeholders from higher education, industry, policy, and EdTech to develop practical solutions to improve the fragmented and fraught pathways from higher education to employment. The convening was hugely successful, yielding actionable insights, strategic partnerships, and innovative pilots — all detailed in a resultant white paper. One standout solution from the convening, a learn-and-earn model offering participants a combination of paid work experience, college credit, and personal development mentorship, secured critical funding for implementation. This success exemplifies how such convenings can effectively translate innovative ideas into tangible impact, highlighting the transformative power of targeted philanthropic support.

An Evolving World Requires Evolving Strategies

The challenges facing higher education today underscore a scarce resource that is essential for success: dedicated time for deep thinking and collaborative problem-solving, particularly at under-resourced institutions. As these institutions navigate the lingering impacts of the pandemic, uncertainties introduced by the advancements of AI, and shifting student and workforce demands, the imperative to invest in collaborative exploration and continuous adaptation has never been more critical. 

Institutions need opportunities to connect with one another, unpack real-world challenges, and leverage the collective knowledge across the industry to develop effective and timely solutions. By prioritizing more intimate and targeted gatherings, philanthropic organizations can play a pivotal role not only in surfacing critical problems but also in mobilizing the necessary resources to tackle these issues at their root. Philanthropy must view investments in connection and collaboration as a strategic imperative to drive innovation and tackle systemic challenges in higher education. By fostering environments that prioritize deep engagement and collective problem-solving, we can ensure that education evolves in step with the demands of our rapidly changing world.